Management Training for a New Generation    

 Empower your employees to design a work culture that everyone is proud to be part of.

HR Consulting


Management training by CorporateWise

Management Training

Newly appointed managers face a constant barrage of opposing agendas, conflicting people, and contradicting expectations. They’re in the very middle of the flow of information—at once strategic and highly tactical. They have to be skilled at leading up, down, and across.

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Team Dynamics

In these unprecedented times, it is even more important that teamwork is as effective and efficient as possible. A tough thing to achieve when it is business as usual, however, even harder when team members are self-isolating or working from home and virtual.

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Café Conversations

Café Conversations are a valuable tool for adult learning. They provide a safe and supportive environment for participants to share their thoughts and ideas, and they can help to build relationships, generate new ideas, and explore different perspectives.

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Street Wisdom

Street Wisdom is an everyday creative practice you use as you walk. A smart fusion of mindfulness, neuroscience and wellness, it unlocks our minds and unblocks our creativity with every step. Our bespoke events help organisations find creative ways through complex challenges.

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